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Hibiscus mutabilis (Cotton Mallow)

Hibiscus mutabilis (Cotton Mallow)

SKU: R61

Seeds are from the original species form with single pink with yellow centered flowers. This form is now very rare and seldom seen as the double form, often called ‘Confederate Rose’ is much more common. It Tolerates frosts but is deciduous and needs to be cut back to almost ground level. In frosty places, this should be done after the last frost. The Flowers are edible, It was also used for continuous coughs, dysuria, badly healing scalds, and burns. Both leaves and flowers were applied to zits and swellings. Modern studies show that confederate rose has a compound called ferulic acid that helps cure diabetes and restore insulin sensitivity.

 A high-quality fiber can be produced from the bark. 

  • Germination

    Seeds need warmth for germination but are quick growing and can be
    planted in the garden after the last expected frost.

  • Approximate minimum seed count per pack


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