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Kalanchoe beharensis

Kalanchoe beharensis

SKU: R42

Kalanchoe beharensis   Large in leaf and growth, this stunning Madagascar succulent is usually propagated by large stem cuttings which are quite pricy. Grows quite well outdoors in frost-free areas, also a great houseplant for hot, sunny situations. Occasionally seeds are produced and this batch is freshly harvested and has been germination tested with satisfactory results. Seeds are almost dust-like and need to be surface sown in a small pot on 1-2mm diameter gravel covered potting mix, gently watered thoroughly and then sealed in a zip-lock bag and kept in a bright but not direct sun location. Some seeds should germinate after 10 days. Once seedlings show their first true leaf the bag can be opened and humidity lowered. The young seedlings are tender but are more likely to perish from too much humidity than under watering.   50+seeds/packet

  • Germination and growth

    Seeds are almost dust-like and need to be surface sown in a small pot on 1-2mm diameter gravel covered potting mix, gently watered thoroughly and then sealed in a zip-lock bag and kept in a bright but not direct sun location. Some seeds should germinate after 10 days. Once seedlings show their first true leaf the bag can be opened and humidity lowered. The young seedlings are tender but are more likely to perish from too much humidity than under watering.   50+seeds/packet

  • Approximate seeds per pack


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